So, I have been messing around with some new blog technologies. I really want a super fast site. But I also want it to be easy for me to make posts. I started a couple projects to see how they work. O...

So, I have been messing around with some new blog technologies. I really want a super fast site. But I also want it to be easy for me to make posts. I started a couple projects to see how they work. O...
So I was playing around with a new CMS called October. It really is amazing, and I feel like it is much faster than WordPress. I converted the Hightek Designs website over to it to see how well it co...
Woah, this is cool. This is like racing cars, but with goggles that put you on your face so it is first person, and with flying cars. Really cool flying cars. I really want to get into this sport, if ...
All I have been hearing lately is about this movie. It is suppose to be a twist to the fairy tale Snow White. In this version the Huntsman, played by Chris Hemsworth, ordered to take Snow White into t...
Have you ever wanted to have awesome powers to make things float. To fly in the air! I know I have dreams about this all the time. 20th Century Fox released just what I dreamed that I could do. Here i...