I do indeed have a hard time writing a blog. That being said, I have been trying to keep up with the amount of posts I make. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to keep on post quality post at the e...
Understanding Quality Over Quantity

I do indeed have a hard time writing a blog. That being said, I have been trying to keep up with the amount of posts I make. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to keep on post quality post at the e...
Now, I kindof said in my last post I would be giving a a run down on how to maintain your computer. However, I am extremely late in giving you that, so instead, I will push that back and just talk and...
How have you been liking this new Post-A-Day project? Have you been able to keep up? Have you been able to read each post I post? Has it been boring? Has it been exciting? Have you told other people a...