I was very late to the game in upgrading my Ubuntu Servers. I was running Ubuntu 16.04. Even though is it a LTS branch, also known as Long Term Support, the ESM period starting in April 2021. Which me...
Upgrading Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 or 20.04

I was very late to the game in upgrading my Ubuntu Servers. I was running Ubuntu 16.04. Even though is it a LTS branch, also known as Long Term Support, the ESM period starting in April 2021. Which me...
So, I have been messing around with some new blog technologies. I really want a super fast site. But I also want it to be easy for me to make posts. I started a couple projects to see how they work. O...
I’m busier than a mosquito at a nudist colony. No, not really. It does seem like I have so much to do, and no time to do it. I know that a lot of you have stopped visiting my blog, but, thatR...
I do indeed have a hard time writing a blog. That being said, I have been trying to keep up with the amount of posts I make. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to keep on post quality post at the e...
I want more people on the Mr. Joshua Pack project! This is a blog about Movie Reviews, Entertainment, Programming, and much much more. But to keep constant information, it is so much easier with more ...
Jon asks, “Why did Jarrid push the big read delete button on his blog??!?!” He simply didn’t want it any longer. He has been doing website designs for people, and found out that he e...
Enough Said? No? Well, here is the video too. ~Joshua