Alright, I know I have been neglecting this website, and I am sorry. For all thos people who actually come here, I thank you very much. I will be adding some cool things here, like tutorials and other things.
I went hiking with my brother a few weeks ago(Jarrid’s post was on 05.16.06, so close to that date). and he has some cool pictures on them, I will post them later but, I am kindof a dork, and a lazy guy, so I will just hot link them here, or give you a link to view them all 😀
Look at all the cool pics, me and my brother took on his adventure of a lifetime…..(Unavailable)
Well, enjoy the pics, and I will give you an update on my trip to Florida this past week. I know, I am a dork and stuff, but I will start working harder for you. 😀 anyway, enjoy and have a relaxing life.