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Urban Ninja

I thought this was a pretty neat video. Although it has violent actions, I would not say this is a bad clip, because no one is getting hurt in the film, it is all really amazing action! ~Joshua

Captain Jack Sparrow

On August 18th, I was dressed up as Captain jack Sparrow. I have a very short film of me in it and some pictures. Here is the film: And the pictures ar not uploaded yet, I will post later with those. ...


Well, I have not been posting for awhile, because I mainly do not know what to post up anymore. So, to post something, I will let you all know about my new job. I quit Target and my last day was on Au...

Spice Girls

I have to give them some credit for having good lip-syncing(SP?) I just thought this video was pretty good, tell me what you guys think? ~Joshua
