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Neat Game and Show

I watched all the episodes except 1 and 2 of the Sarah Conner Chronicles. It was pretty good. Here is a game in which you have to try and get out of the motel 🙂 I only found two ways, let me know i...


Well lately a lot of people have wanted me to sing to them so guess what folks i will on this post! I know im not a good singer, so why do you people keep asking me to sing! Update 6-22-09: thesimsons...

Updating Program/Firefly

I have created a new layout for hightek designs. check it out at I have also been finishing up my Web Manager. I hope to release that soon to the public. It is looking n...

So Many Ideas

Ok, i have a bunch of idea’s I would like to get done, but i have like no time. So anyway, i bought this phone called the HTC PPC6800, look it up on yahoo if you dont know what it is. Well, this...

What to say?

Well, a lot has happened! Why have I not been updating? Well, because of just that, a lot as happened! So here are somethings that i can remember off the top of my head. I went on a cruise, which was ... and ads

I now have a forum up and running at . So please do not be shy, and sign up there. I will be having contests and so on there. Now about the ads. I now am using Clicksor, but ...

Google is a SCAM

First off, I want to thank Laurel for writing a comment. I never really thought anyone reads my stuff. Thank you for reading my rants and crazy stuff. Now to why Google is a SCAM! Today, I got BANNED ...
