So, I started a forum back in March. I can not always create posts on my blog, since creating a post requires a lot more time than creating a discussion on a forum. With that being said, I am way more...
Tech Talk Forum

So, I started a forum back in March. I can not always create posts on my blog, since creating a post requires a lot more time than creating a discussion on a forum. With that being said, I am way more...
Jon asks, “How tall was the grass in my yard, before I mowed it on Sunday?” First off, how in the world am I suppose to know that. Even if you lived near me, I do not think I would even be...
Jon Asks, “What is in the middle of nowhere?” This question can actually be taken 3 different ways. One of which he would need to have made “The Middle Of Nowhere” into italics...
Jon asks, “Should I paint my room blue, or orange?” It’s good to know what color your furniture is first, but without me knowing, let us see what the meaning of each color is. Also l...
Jon asks, “Why did Jarrid push the big read delete button on his blog??!?!” He simply didn’t want it any longer. He has been doing website designs for people, and found out that he e...
Jon Asks, “Why are there so many different types of suits?!” Short answer is because there are so many different type of occasions. Among different types of suits that are worn today the f...
Jon ask’s “Why Did Jarrid’s ‘Just Ask’ Series Phail?” So I am reading that question there, and I stop at the last word, “phail.” I ask myself, what does phail mean?...