I have a blog, right. Well, I was making posts and all was great. It started out as a more personal blog or diary, and now it is more of a technology and other interests that I feel like sharing to th...
I know what I want to do, however, what I want to do, I can not do. This is where I seem to be at, at this moment in time. Although quarantine has essentially given me more time to do things, I have f...
Not much of what I do here is very dynamic. What I mean about this, is that this is really just a simple blog. I do not post very often, maybe max, once a month. I have similar websites that do the sa...
So, I started a forum back in March. I can not always create posts on my blog, since creating a post requires a lot more time than creating a discussion on a forum. With that being said, I am way more...
First off, thanks for visiting my little piece of the internet. Let us get to the topic at hand. I have been following phones for awhile, and always have a hard time deciding what phone to get. I deci...
This article takes a lot of information from the tutorial here https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/initial-server-setup-with-ubuntu-16-04. It is a good read, however, I am going to list ...
Today, I am going to go over setting up a droplet. There are some pieces that require more work that I do not include in this article. But I will hopefully make it clear, so you can start setting up y...